The British Milksheep


The breed was developed by Lawrence Alderson to fill the growing need for a genuine high performance crossing sire. This development began at the beginning of the 1960′s first in Wiltshire then in Northumberland. By 1980 the breed was established having been based on outstanding foundation animals with the ewe’s yield of milk sufficient to match her prolificacy. From this time onwards the breed became of interest to other flock masters seeking to increase the productivity of their flocks.

A more detailed account of the foundation of the breed (including the contributions
made by selected sheep of the Bluefaced  Leicester, Dorset ,Prolific, Lleyn
and East Friesland breeds ) can be found in the British Milksheep Society
Flock Book Volume  1,   ” The Birth of the Breed”   by Lawrence

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Mature ewes average crops of 307%, shearling ewes 263% and ewe lambs 221%. Easy lambing is expected and lambs are vigorous and active at birth with triplet litters weighing 4 to 5kgs per lamb and twins 5 to 6kgs per lamb

Milk yield and lamb growth

Triplets reared on the ewe, without assistance, will have a weight gain to 50 days averaging about 0.3kg per day and a 50 day weight of 19kg. When only twins are reared 50-day weights of 24kg per lamb are regularly achieved.  The ewe is a very attentive mother.


All types of stock (except ewes at lambing) are capable of wintering outside in the most testing weather. The breed is well established in Canada and Hungary. They are robust and active sheep, the rams showing great libido through most of the year. They are an easy managed sheep; the ewes have a quiet temperament and strong maternal instincts.


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